Treatments and massages bookable on site
Dear guest, I take a lot of time for all my massages and treatments for you. It is important for me to find out together with you, what topic is currently in the foreground for you, to bring it into consciousness. I would like to help you look at possible difficulties from perhaps new perspectives, in order to be able to accept and transform them more easily. Only when you know, on what you need to focus your awareness, compassion and love, necessary changes can happen. You yourself are the change and the healing your soul needs. I am happy to accompany and support you on your journey.
Yours, Karin

Lomi Lomi is the wave that gently carries your body, comfortably presses and repeatedly strokes your body long, harmoniously, and lovingly. Only you are important now.
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This massage is also known as “Hawaiian Temple Massage” and was a tradition in royal households. It was only granted to members of the royal family.
The breath, the life stream
The water, flowing energy
The highest, the supreme
The highest, eternal flowing life energy that transforms with the breath.
Lomi Lomi translates as “massage from the center of being” and served in ancient Hawaiian temples for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual cleansing.
This loving ritual is about finishing the old, letting go and opening up space for new beginnings.
– Pre-talk
– Massage approx. 50 minutes
– 100% pure essential oils
– After rest
– Debriefing

In this beautiful ritual, the chakras open and vibrate in harmony again. The ritual consists of a combination of oil massage and hand placement. Your soul will be lovingly touched.
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The basic techniques of this wonderful massage were transmitted to us from the “Spiritual World” in the form of pictures and words. We have supplemented and expanded them through personal impulses. In this way, our very personal “Phoenix Massage” was created.
We also like to refer to this massage as “Heavenly Balance” or “Balanced Angel.” In this beautiful ritual, the chakras open and vibrate in harmony again.
The ritual begins with an oil massage. The loving touches relax, give trust, release blockages and help undernourished chakras return to the right vibration. Afterwards, the individual chakras are connected through hand placement. The chakras open and unevenness in the energy field is balanced.
Energy can flow freely and unrestricted again and brings the human being back into his power.
– Pre-talk
– Massage approx. 50 minutes
– 100% pure essential oils
– After rest
– Debriefing

This gentle massage and stroking is found to be very pleasant and relaxing. The feet can rest and feel how it feels to be gently or firmly touched, or stroked and explored.
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This type of massage is an ancient treatment method, which was practiced in Egypt, as well as in China and in India. The Mayans also used it for a variety of complaints.
By massaging the feet and working on the reflex zones of the feet, the associated body regions are touched in a therapeutic way…
– Pre-talk
– Massage approx. 50 minutes
– 100% pure essential oils
– After rest
– Debriefing

is a massage in which singing bowls are placed directly on the clothed body. In our deeply rooted trust in sound, we enjoy the vibrations in the body. Breathing becomes deeper and deeper. In this situation, new harmony and healing occur.
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In Tibet, Nepal, and India, there is the belief that gods and humans originated from sound. If we are in harmony, we are healthy. Disharmony makes us ill.
If we start from this idea that we are sound, we have a deep primordial trust in sound. We can easily surrender to it. In this state, we easily enter the so-called alpha state. A state that is usually reached during relaxation exercises or just before falling asleep.
In this state of trust, the wonderful effect of letting go occurs. Only by letting go can I distance myself from worries, everyday problems, hardenings, blockages, and illnesses.
– Pre-talk
– Massage approx. 50 minutes
– 100% pure essential oils
– After rest
– Debriefing

This application opens the chakras. Blockages in the energy field can be released, the self-healing powers are activated. The clients usually tell how pleasant they find these warm and loving touches and usually feel refreshed, deeply relaxed and strengthened afterwards.
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In this application, the hands are placed on the clothed body and “Creative Energy” is transferred. The hand positions follow the main and secondary chakras.
The energy that is transferred is exactly what the person in question needs in that moment and in their situation. This can and will vary depending on the person and their life situation, but it is nothing that we need to control, it simply happens. Available is exactly, what is healing and appropriate for all involved in that moment.
– Pre-talk
– Massage approx. 50 minutes
– 100% pure essential oils
– After rest
– Debriefing

Feel the magic of fire and let yourself be led into a soothing relaxation. Ear candles have their origins in the centuries-old culture of indigenous peoples. They have a calming and liberating effect and have been successfully used by therapists in natural medicine for decades. In combination with inspiring aroma essences and relaxing feel-good music, you will experience a unique deep relaxation in the triad of the senses FEEL – SMELL – HEAR.
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These special ear candles are placed in the outer ear canal and then lit to remove earwax and dust particles from the ear canal. During the so-called chimney effect, a vacuum is formed, allowing clogged pores to open, improving skin breathing and removing waste products and secretions into the interior of the candle.
The pressure conditions in the head are also regulated, which is said to lead to better coordination of the two brain hemispheres.
It is also frequently used to treat tinnitus because it has a gentle effect on the eardrum by the light pressure and the flame-induced vibration waves. The stimuli are transmitted to the middle ear all the way to inner ear, with a direct effect on the auditory and balance organ. Thus, the application leads to relaxation in the ear and can thus reduce the symptoms of tinnitus.
It can also provide relief from colds, ear pressure or mild ear pain. Already during the application you can feel a pleasant warmth and a liberating pressure balance in the ear, forehead and sinus area.
– Pre-talk
– Treatment approx. 50 minutes
– 100% pure essential oils
– After rest
– Debriefing

is an alternative therapy that aims to bring the spine into a more balanced and healthy position through energy work. The back muscles relax and the spine straightens. Pelvic misalignments and leg length discrepancies are balanced. The Spiritual Spine Straightening happens in a matter of seconds and without physical touch, purely the power of divine energy causes the alignment.
In very simple terms, the process means: Emptying the backpack and energetically freeing oneself from all that is old and unnecessary.
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Our spine is the central point in our body, whether in its gross or subtle structure. Our well-being on a spiritual and physical level depends on it. It is the key to our consciousness. The well-being of our spine should be close to our hearts. Our life is connected to it.
More than 70% of adults and already many children and teenagers suffer from musculoskeletal complaints. The complex nerve supply of the back can lead to a wide variety of complaints. Here is a small selection of symptom patterns in which Spiritual Spine Straightening has been shown to be helpful:
Back pain, slipped disc, scoliosis, sciatic pain, pelvic misalignment, leg length discrepancy, shoulder pain, knee pain, knee joint arthritis, twisted neck, hip joint arthritis, shoulder-arm syndrome, developmental disorders, high blood pressure, migraine, ADHD, twists, Bechterew’s disease, tennis elbow, muscle pain, balance disorders, sports injuries, tinnitus, jaw joint problems, uneven teeth, heart rhythm disorders, respiratory disorders, asthma, hearing disorders, consequences of accidents and physical and emotional injuries…
Spinal alignment is the beginning of a new start!
The process goes far beyond the physical straightening, releasing also blockages on mental, emotional and spiritual levels, allowing other complaints to be resolved as well. Straightening can also be done preventively without complaints in order to simply improve quality of life. That is why straightening is beneficial and harmonious for everyone.
– Pre-talk
– Massage approx. 50 minutes
– 100% pure essential oils
– After rest
– Debriefing