


Our beautiful house is located in the eastern part of the Dominican Republic,
approximately 45 minutes away from Punta Cana, a region famous for its endless white sandy beaches.
As you leave Punta Cana heading northwest torwards Miches, you will soon encounter a stunning hilly landscape.

Our Phoenix stands proudly on one of these hills with its wings spread wide,
offering breathtaking views of the Nisibón lagoons and the sea, perfect for a relaxing getaway.
A place for transformation and renewal. A life in harmony with nature, mutual appreciation, and respect.
Enjoy the beauty of the moment and let yourself be inspired by this unique landscape and atmosphere.

Immerse and let go



A retreat for health and spiritual development.

Our retreat and vacation offers provide you with the opportunity to detach yourself from your everyday life
and fully focus on your personal development and healing.
Here, you can find tranquility and be accompanied by loving individuals
who support you on your way towards self-discovery and returning to your natural balance.


Immerse yourself with us in a world full of possibilities and let our experts guide you on a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation.

We look forward to welcoming YOU!
Your Phoenix Sanctuary Team
+1 (849) 207-4845

Balance an strength without force.

“We often believe we know what is good for others,
yet we usually don’t know what is good for ourselves.”

To be healthy and in balance, it is important to take care of not only your physical well-being but also your emotional health.
Body, mind, and soul are interconnected. When you provide your body with something good, such as healthy nutrition and exercise,
your mind and soul simultaneously benefit. If you take care of your mental and emotional health (consciousness work),
your body automatically reaps the reward. One cannot exist without the other.

We are not the only ones who believe, that the root causes of most physical illnesses lie in the psychosomatic realm.
By becoming aware of and addressing these underlying causes, the necessary changes can naturally occur within the body.

Our retreat offerings for body, mind and soul in a brief overview

ANYONE can learn our tools; no special talents or prior knowledge are necessary.
You can use the learned techniques not only for yourself but also within your own family and surroundings
or even teach and pass them on to others if you’re interested.

Experience deep relaxation as you immerse yourself in TAI CHI and QIGONG sessions
guided by our experienced teachers and seminar leaders.
Allow the energy to flow through your body through slow and mindful movements.
Each person only does what is possible for their current physical condition.
Learn a complete set of exercises from Health Qigong in our 4-day retreat.
Longer-term training programs for course leaders and instructors are also available.

Discover the CREATIVE ENERGY as a source of inspiration, growth,
and as a means to change yourself and the world around you.
Everything in life is pure energy, our body, our words, our thoughts, nature around us.
We direct and influence this energy through our thoughts.
Learn to use it consciously, for yourself and others, for strengthening health and living a fulfilling life.
User- and teacher-training combined in a single 4-day retreat.

Understanding and applying the MEDITATION PRACTICE of “VIPASSANA“.
Vipassana means seeing things as they truly are.
Cultivate mindfulness and learn to meditate independently and in silence.
At the same time, you learn how to effectively deal with distracting thoughts, bodily sensations, and emotions.
Connect with your inner strength.

Align your spine to a healthier position through SPIRITUAL STRAIGHTENING, without any physical touch.
Empty your backpack and energetically free yourself from all that is old and burdensome,
which has caused you to go through life hunched over.
User- and teacher-training combined in a single 4-day retreat.

MASSAGES and APPLICATIONS on-site, additionally bookable for more well-being and relaxation.
Oil Massages, Sound Massages, Applications with Creative Energy, Ear Candles, Spiritual Spine Straightening.

Feeling comfortable and relaxed

Book our wonderful retreat and vacation packages

Retreat 4 days / 3 nights

This retreat vacation includes a four-day stay, bookable from Thursday to Sunday.

If you would like to stay with us longer, you can book your stay through the “Individual Vacation” product and design it according to your wishes.

Please note that the individual retreats take place on specific dates.

Retreat 4 days / 3 nights

This retreat vacation includes a four-day stay, bookable from Thursday to Sunday.

If you would like to stay with us longer, you can book your stay through the “Individual Vacation” product and design it according to your wishes.

Please note that the individual retreats take place on specific dates.

Retreat 4 days / 3 nights

This retreat vacation includes a four-day stay, bookable from Thursday to Sunday.

If you would like to stay with us longer, you can book your stay through the “Individual Vacation” product and design it according to your wishes.

Please note that the individual retreats take place on specific dates.

Retreat 4 days / 3 nights

This retreat vacation includes a four-day stay, bookable from Thursday to Sunday.

If you would like to stay with us longer, you can book your stay through the “Individual Vacation” product and design it according to your wishes.

Please note that the individual retreats take place on specific dates.


You want to stay longer than 4 days? Then book your completely individual vacation at the Phoenix here.

In addition to booking your room, please also pay attention to the additional packages, so that you do not forget your desired retreat package.

If you wish to participate in a retreat, please also take note of the specified dates for each retreat option.

You have the potential to change your life.
We want to help you realize you dreams and goals

Our Phoenix Sanctuary with 4 guest rooms provides us with space for a very personal collaborative work.
You not only have the opportunity to stay with us for a while and participate in our beautiful, highly individual retreats,
but you can also make a lasting change in your life. We understand that it takes time and dedication to make real progress.
That’s why we want to provide you with the necessary inspiration to help you transform your life in a healthy and positive way.

Our retreats offer you a unique opportunity to learn from experienced experts who share their knowledge and expertise.
We provide a loving and supportive environment where you can unfold and grow.
Our goal is to equip you with simple tools and techniques you need to promote holistic healing.
We believe that you are capable of improving your health and well-being, and we want to help you achieve your goals.

If you are ready to make a change, give us the chance to support you.
Together, let’s set the impulses necessary to transform your life.
Feel the difference, as you return to your inherent power,
the energies can flow again,
the mind finds deep peace.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Phoenix Sanctuary and assisting you on your journey.

Stillness of thought and peace

Our philosophy

IN, WITH and FROM nature.
We are dependent on nature, it gives us everything we need to live.
Mutual respect and consideration are important in order to enable a harmonious coexistence.
At Phoenix Sanctuary, we try to live in harmony with nature a little more each day.

DETOX from our dependencies – no alcohol, no cigarettes, no TV, and if possible, please treat yourself to mostly cell phone-free time.

For ECOLOGICAL REASONS, we do not offer shower gels, shampoos or creams and would like to encourage you to care for your skin and hair only with water, a pure natural product gifted from Mother Earth.

Our body is capable of taking care of what is necessary. Take the time and patience. Give your body its freedom and it will thank and love you.

If you are not ready to embrace this experiment and do not want to give up your personal care products, please bring them with you.

Your PHYSICAL WELL-BEING is taken care of. Our kitchen staff will delight you culinarily. We offer mainly vegetarian dishes. The ingredients come mostly from the region or are partly even planted ourselves.

Drinks such as water, juices, tea or coffee are included with the meals. Water is also available in the room, free of charge.

The meals are included in the retreat package price, for all other individual offers the meals are charged in addition to the room price.

The COMMON MEALS are taken in our large, cozy salon. Here, in private, we also discuss the daily schedule and exchange our experiences and impressions in peace around the large table.

SPIRITUALITY is an important part of our lives and work, as it provides a source of meaning, orientation and comfort. Spirituality is a way to deepen our connection to ourselves and the world around us and to broaden our horizons.

Spirituality can also be understood as a personal journey or quest for knowledge that can help transform a person’s life and provide a deeper understanding of human existence and the universe.

The philosophy of spirituality is not tied to a specific religion or spiritual tradition and refers to a wide range of topics and perspectives.

SIMPLICITY is a concept that can be interpreted in different ways. We would like to understand simplicity as a kind of attitude towards life that focuses on keeping things as simple as possible and avoiding unnecessary ballast.

For example, not getting lost in thoughts and worries ahead of time, but making decisions when the issue is at the open door.

Another way to practice simplicity would be to simply let things be as they are, without trying to evaluate or understand them right away. This could mean not getting involved in things that do not directly concern you and learning to deal with uncertainty and the unknown, rather than fearing or avoiding it.

Finally, simplicity could also mean making things simple rather than making them more complicated than they are. This could mean setting priorities and focusing on what´s essential, rather than getting lost in details or seeking unnecessarily complex solutions.

Overall, simplicity is about focusing on what´s essential, avoiding unnecessary baggage and keeping things simple and uncomplicated.

The team

In Germany we, Karin and Peter, already had a beautiful Tai Chi and Qigong school
and a seminar center for trainings in energetic healing and meditation.
Then came this clear inner impulse to completely change our lives once again and to choose the Dominican Republic as our new home.

Karin Fuchs

Teacher of energy work and consciousness
Mindfulness and meditation trainings
Spiritual spine straightening
Energetic applications and massages

There are many reasons for illness, but our body uses this way to communicate with us. Through this way it tells us what it needs from us, what is out of balance in our life. Every illness is an opportunity to realign our own life. I would be happy to help you to better understand the background of your illness or your everyday problems.

More about me

Hello, I am Karin, born in Germany in 1966 and I speak German, English and Spanish.

A colorful, varied life with new challenges has brought me to where I am today. I have tried a lot: medical assistant, au pair, tour guide, globetrotter, dive guide, entrepreneur, secretary and, with all my heart, mother. In 2000, my little daughter and I returned to Germany to my roots and traditions. Today, my chosen home is the Dominican Republic.

I was allowed to experience a whole range of colorful colors, smells and feelings in my life and at the age of 39 I was confronted with my biggest challenge so far, today I know it was also my biggest chance. I was diagnosed with CANCER. In a period of 7 years I got breast cancer twice and also thyroid cancer. I was shocked, I did not expect that. I put myself in the hands of the doctors, paralyzed, hoping for a cure, but long-term recovery did not happen. During this time, I began to be interested in alternative healing methods and delved deeper into the topic of spiritual and energetic healing work. Deep inner processes were set in motion. Today, thanks to this work on myself, I am completely healthy again.”

What my path so far and the illness have taught me:

– That I have to take responsibility for myself, my life and my illness again.
– To love an accept myself as I am.
– The source of happiness and contentment lies in myself and in the way I think and feel.
– I have to heal my inner world, my soul and my spirit, only then healing can happen in my body. For this it is important to become aware of my inner injuries and beliefs so that I can dissolve or change them.
– That I am not powerless to my fate. I can do a lot myself. It is up to me how my path continues.
– I have self-healing powers.

Peter Haller

Spiritual Medium
Teacher of energy work and consciousness
Teacher of Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong
Spiritual spine straightening
Energetic applications

Happiness is the loving interaction with our fellow human beings. To see, hear, smell and feel nature around us. Being able to live in the confidence of being loved, supported and protected by something greater. Happiness is the respectful interaction and a life of appreciation towards humans, animals, and nature.

More about me

Hello, I am Peter, born in Germany in 1972 and I speak German, English, and Spanish.

Life has guided me on MY WAY up until this point and continues to do so every day.

This path has been partly difficult and rocky. It has taken me through a very formative childhood and youth, through various trades, to the military, and finally to my work in IT and today’s self-employment.

But this independence doesn´t just apply to my career, it also refers to my lifestyle. I have learned to be myself, but not only that. Today, I can enjoy my life more consciously, calmly, simply, and relaxed.

How did I achieve this?

Through teacher training in the following areas:
– Energy and consciousness work
– Spiritual spign straightening
– Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong
Each step was a work on myself and has made me what I am today. During this period, I developed a strong clairaudience that allows me to receive messages from the “spiritual world” that are meant to help people see their own path more clearly.

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to activate your self-healing power

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